- Figures should be submitted as separate files.
- Figures include non-text entries such as graphs, illustrations, photos, and artwork (tables are not figures).
- Figures should be drawn using a suitable drawing package and submitted as separated files.
- The use of color is not encouraged.
- Color may only be used if the author arranges to do so and pays the additional publishing costs to the publisher.
- Only .gif and .jpg file formats are considered acceptable.
- Submitted images should adhere to the resolution setting of 300 dpi.
- A two (2) celled table contains the figures (center justified) and figure title (left justified).
- Figures will not have borders drawn around them and should be limited to two-thirds (⅔’s) of a page.
- The table size is established by setting the table’s width to 100%” and alignment to “centered”.
- Figure titles appear in the bottom cell of the figure table (note punctuation, capitalization and formatting displayed by the examples).
- Do not include the figure title in the figure itself.
Graphs and Illustrations:
- These figures should remain in their correct place within the document. Graphs and illustrations are embedded within a centered table cell.
Example #1a: (table borders are shown here only as graphic representation of the table formatting and for clarity)
Figure 3: Mean overall motor activity of the 374 hp. Grade changer.
Example #1b: (table borders have been hidden to demonstrate actual example)
Figure 3: Mean overall motor activity of the 374 hp. Grade changer.
Photos and Artwork:
- Photos and artwork are embedded within a centered table cell in a separate submitted file.
Example #1a: (table borders are shown here only as graphic representation of the table formatting and for clarity)
Figure 4: Equipment source.
Example #1b: (table borders have been hidden to demonstrate actual example)
Figure 4: Equipment source.